Friday, November 12, 2010

It feels good to give too!

I recently started blogging about stuff that I wish to give away on my other blog Shop In My Wardrobe and I am real happy to say that things have been going on well! I went down yesterday to meet someone to pass her the piece of intricate artwork which I bought for 550baht at my first holiday in the very lovely Phuket with The Boyfriend in the year 2005.

It was posted on the GiveAways section:

It has been lying around my room in what-nots and I feel like it's such a pity to get such a beautiful item and NOT utilise it. So, I decided to post it up on the blog and post it on the SGFreecycle Yahoo! group via group email links and ahoy! I got so many responses and I finally decided to pass it to Maureen who came to my place to collect the artwork very promptly! Kudos to her! There are some people who just are not appreciative of stuff and are unable to understand the concept of "self-collect at my place" as I am not willing to go out to meet you at some venue when I can be home doing my work.

Oh wells. Anyway, it sure feels good to give! So, I am making it a mission to keep this personal Jamie's Freecycling channel open and fill it up with loads of stuff to unload off to people who truly will treasure what I give away!

Here's to less trash on Earth and more giving between the human race!

Is it time for you to do some freecycling on your own and share some of your stuffs with others too?

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